Radovan of ITCrowd says:
Hi, we develop web applications, and we do not support IE6 anymore…
–Radovan Kepák
A list of the lucky developers that are dropping or have dropped IE6.
Radovan of ITCrowd says:
Hi, we develop web applications, and we do not support IE6 anymore…
–Radovan Kepák
SJL Web Design says:
Death to IE6! You have all of our support at SJL Web Design.
Sean of mcarthurgfx says:
I stopped caring about IE6 sucking at displaying my PNGs, opacity, and the like. http://mcarthurgfx.com/blog/article/it-s-all-your-fault
–Sean McArthur
Robin of Fog of Eternity says:
I think this is a great idea. As of this month I’m stopping all IE6 support in my web design beyond adding the single IE8.js line in the header as detailed here – http://code.google.com/p/ie7-js/.
–Robin Cannon
Boris of Tanzen in Berlin says:
Since around 50% of our visitors are still using IE6, we think it’s a good idea to inform them about the latest version of IE8 – and alternatives.
Bye bye IE6 😉
–Boris Bojic
Big Click Web Design says:
Great sites, keep up the good work. It really is time for IE6 to die. Imagine the number of hours spent across the world by web designer and developers fixing IE6 bugs. We should all invoice Microsoft for our time spent fixing their mistake.
Big Click Studios – @bigclickstudios
Golan Arts says:
We couldn’t agree with you more about IE. It’s a terrible browser. We stopped supporting IE 6 months ago. The IE death march is a great idea!
Omer – from Israel.
Max of Max Jens says:
Hi…just wanted to say, that I´m done supporting ie6!
Don´t want to change my designs because of this browser version…Big up!
Ross of Sound Unsound says:
As of the 19th March 2009, Sound Unsound will no longer be supporting IE6!
Keep on Marching!
Viva La Revolution!
–Ross Lee
Timo Ernst says:
Hi there,
I read about your “Anti-ie6-Project” and I think that it’s a really great idea, so that I couldn’t resist to support it 🙂I wrote a little code snipped which redirects all ie6-users to an info-page, which explains them how they should upgrade to a better browser, or at least use the ie8.
Read my blog entry about it and get the code snippet here: http://www.timo-ernst.net/2009/03/stop-the-ie6/
I would be glad, if we could spread this a bit, so that the ie6 will finally vanish from the www.
Greetings from Germany,
–Timo Ernst