
Mocoda Interactive

Shayne Yestal of Mocoda Interactive

Starting in September 2008 we will no longer offer IE6 support as standard in any of our proposals. Clients will have the option of requesting it, at a price.

The delay in dropping support has been the lackluster corporate adoption of IE7, which is now shifting.

We will be incorporating a script, similar to the script for all internal projects to help inform visitors. We will also request that clients do the same. –Shayne Yestal



Steve Woods of Swoo says:

Not before time either! Wholeheartedly agree with everything this website stands for 🙂 –Steve Woods


T3A Studios

Anurag Sharma of T3A Studios says:

I too feel that IE6 has existed for a very long time. It should have died long ago, too. But, better late than never. I support this march and would like to mention that our company too is going to stop supporting IE6 from next month.

Thanks. –Anurag Sharma

Things Younger Than IE6

IE5 for Mac

Internet Explorer 5

Internet Explorer 5 for the Mac is younger than IE6.

…the release of Mac OS X v10.1 on September 25, 2001 included the final version of IE 5.1 for Mac OS X. IE 5.1 for Mac OS 8 and Mac OS 9 was released on December 18, 2001. –Wikipedia

Versions prior to 5.1 were what we commonly refer to now as “beta” releases.



Cerven at pixeldeath says:


Great project here and I agree, IE6 should have been dropped ages ago.
I no longer cater for IE6 in anywork I do.

A developer friend of mine and I are actually wanting to start a movement to get more users off IE completely 😉 Will send you an update once we move forward with it.

Thanks. –Cerven Cotter



Nicolas at LessWorks says:

Definitely stopping support for IE6! Great initiative. –Nicolas Koenig



Tarek at Jirnsum simply writes:

ANTI-IE6 –Tarek Laarif

Things Younger Than IE6

Windows XP

Windows XP Logo

Windows XP is two months younger than IE6.

Windows XP is the successor to both Windows 2000 Professional and Windows Me, and is the first consumer-oriented operating system produced by Microsoft to be built on the Windows NT kernel (version 5.1) and architecture. Windows XP was first released on October 25, 2001 –Wikipedia

Things Younger Than IE6

East Timor

Flag of East Timor

Yes, the sovereign state of East Timor is younger than IE6.

Indonesia relinquished control of the territory and East Timor became the first new sovereign state of the twenty-first century on May 20, 2002 –Wikipedia

Things Younger Than IE6

The iPod

The original iPods were introduced in April of 2001 but weren’t available until October 23, 2001. That makes the first generation iPod younger than Internet Explorer 6.

Incidentally, the iPod is 2 days older than Windows XP.