
Epiphany Media

Jamie of Epiphany Media says:

I haven’t supported IE6 for any site in months. 🙂 –Jamie Phelps


Zuno Studios

Jonathan of Zuno Studios says:

I’m with you! We will drop support of IE6 on if not BEFORE March 2009. –Jonathan Lackey


Lyrical Media

John of Lyrical Media says:

I am the managing director of Lyrical Media – a small web design company in West Sussex in the UK – and we are happily dropping support for IE6 this year (started in July). There is no reason that we should continue to tolerate this ancient browser, and the only ongoing support that we will implement on future sites is a conditional stylesheet to display an upgrade message to IE6 users.

Clients will of course be made fully aware of this beforehand but it is a point that is not negotiable from this point onwards. –John O’Nolan


MCB Web Design

Martin of MCB Web Design says:

Hi, I have taken the decision to drop support for IE6 as it just takes too long to develop sites when bug-fixing for this pain in the ass. Also, Facebook has warnings saying their site may not function properly in IE6 and provides visitors with a list of alternative browsers to view the site in. And the new-look Facebook won’t function at all in IE6!

I’ll be happy if you could add us two to your list of the IE6 Death March. –Martin Bean


Pear Budget

Charlie of Pear Budget says:

We dropped IE6 support at the beginning of 2008, when we launched our budgeting web app. Got some crap from commenters on BoingBoing about it, but we’re so happy that we did it. It cut out a lot of really dumb customer support requests. –Charlie Park


Tudor Moldovan

Tudor Moldovan says:

I am a freelancer and IE6 has been killing me since I began web design a few years back. I now work as part of a team of freelancers and we all agree that we shouldn’t offer support for IE6 any more. –Tudor Moldovan



Iván Thomas of Ekilater says:

Hello! I am the CEO of a company dedicated to Web design and development, headquartered in Barcelona (Spain). I would be happy to be part of your list, because more than a year ago we recommend to our customers to use other browsers than IE6 and, of course, developing under W3C standards wich aren’t supported by IE6 😉


My Twitter ID: ivanthomas –Iván Thomas


We Are Not Freelancers

David of writes:


Great initiative. We have taken a stand as well and don’t plan on turning back. We posted a blog about it which seems to have stirred up quite an argument.

I am inviting you to Check it out:

David Perel


Alex Rogahn

Alex of says:

Well my site got a long way to go but every time I make one it doesn’t work with ie6 no matter how many conditional stylesheets, hacks and other tricks it always gives me another bug to deal with and to be honest I’m bloody well sick of it. –Alex Rogahn


Bonfire Media

Luke of writes:

We simply can’t take it anymore. So it goes. –Luke Walding